The New York Times presents us with this fill-in the blanks activity around the film The Social Network, which deals with the early days of Facebook.
Apart from the intrinsic interest in the article, you may wish to go through the activity, as it is a kind of reading comprenhension task you might have to do in your exam. You can find more activities of this kind here.
Watch this Radiolab video and just enjoy it. You may agree with me about the striking power the images have on the viewer.
Now watch the video again and do the vocabulary activity that David Deubelbeiss suggests to us. It has to do with collocations. David has divided the video into eight different parts. You must decide which words and expressions that collocate with the head word in each of the sections are actually shown on the video. For example, for the first section, we can see the following actions on the video:
Play - play football, play ball, playground, play music, play fight, play the trumpet