domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

What's Britishness

Watch the excerpt of BBC programme Panorama [up to 4' 15"] and say whether the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE.

1.       British citizens have to sit an exam about their Britishness at 18.
2.       The British flag is only allowed to be flown for 80 days a year in public buildings.
3.       There’s no equivalent in Britain to the 4th of July celebration.
4.       Historian A.H. Wilson thinks that Britain is falling apart as a country.
5.       Vivienne Westwood thinks that the Queen represents British hypocrisy.
6.       In the past the British have defined themselves for their empire and enemies.
7.       Roast beef is still a symbol of Britishness.
8.       Potteries, coal and steel are symbols of how great Great Britain was.


1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F

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